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Mayor Pitt Visits Crestline Middle School

December 09, 2020

As part of the 6th grade government unit, Crestline's Mayor LInda Horning Pitt made a visit to Miss McKinnell's classroom.  It was originally meant to be a face-to-face visit but with schools currently on remote, Mayor Pitt met the students via zoom!  Still observing all COVID protocols, the Mayor only removed her "Santa" mask for the actual zoom while Miss McKinnell still practiced social distancing and a mask.  The questions asked by the students ranged from "What made you want to become mayor?" to "What do you do all day?" to "What is the most challenging part of budgeting for you?"  Mayor PItt dove right in explaining the demands and limitations of budgets, how she ran for mayor and how much she wants to see Crestline grow!  It was a great lesson for the 6th graders not only on how local government works and the importance of working with a town council but economics as well!  New businesses can't come into Crestline without a much-needed up-grade to the local water system as well as trying to get grants to help the city expand.  It was truly an education for all!

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